Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This time last year...

This time last year my football had changed from anticipating the Dawgs kick-off to hoping all my cheerleader would show up for the game. That's right - last season a friend and I coached a 10& under cheerleading squad for the Rec league. What an experience.... 

Believe it or not though - I miss it SO Much... well I don't really miss driving and extra 30 minutes three times a week and not having all my evenings to myself. But I really did grow a lot from working with younger girls. In all their pre-teen drama glory - they would come out every week to cheer (at this age they weren't really cheering on the team, just cheering in general). 

They made me laugh, at times they made me want to scream - but all in all it was an experience I wouldn't change for anything. 

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